Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Reader Feedback: No More Vagabonds, Please | Sail Magazine

Reader Feedback: No More Vagabonds, Please | Sail Magazine

I can understand Mr. Dennis Wright Michaud's point about not seeking immediate medical advice, but only from the standpoint point that someone seemed to be in dire distress. That's it. Nothing else that Mr. Michaud says or implies is worthy to print.

I am very appreciative of SAIL magazine printing the original "Fish On" story and for all the reader's feedback, including Mr. Michaud's for these reasons: 1) I had never heard of Ciguatera poisoning and the story could one day save my life, 2) I hope never to run into the likes of Mr. Michaud for he is so out of touch with reality and common sense that any affiliation with him would be a nightmare. I think I'd rather sail through a hurricane than to sit at a dinner table with him. Fortunately, neither are in my foreseeable future.

Time Flies!

Wow! I can't believe it's been almost 4 years since I last posted here. So much has changed. The most regretted change is that I have had to put my sailing dreams on hold. I managed to get my first two sailing certificates from US Sail and was well on the way to getting the third, but money woes got in the way.

I got back to this blog because I wanted to post a comment on SAIL magazine's blog page concerning their "Fish On" story (April 2012) and follow-up reader feedback letter (June 2012) from Dennis Wright Michaud, PhD. His letter stuck a sore nerve at the time and the follow-up letters to his (August 2012) got me to reactivate my blog account.

I am so grateful to SAIL magazine for publishing the original story. I am not an ocean sailor nor have I fished in Southern waters. So, it stands to reason that I had never heard of Ciguatera poisoning, which is what the story was about. I had no idea that some fish (caught through fishing) could cause serious illness if eaten, the exception being the Puffer fish. I will never forget this. Thank you SAIL magazine.